About Speaking Engagements
Author: The Out of Sync Child, The Out of Sync Child Has Fun, Growing an In Sync Child, and The Goodenoughs Get In Sync
Website: http://www.out-of-sync-child.com
Carol Stock Kranowitz offers sensory strategies based on her books in the “Sync” series, including ”The Out-of-Sync Child” and “In-Sync Activity Cards.” Her fun and functional approach integrates sensory-motor activities into everyday life at home and school. Carol holds an MA in education and human development and for many years taught music, movement and drama. Her newest book is “The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up: Coping with SPD in the Adolescent and Young Adult Years.”
By attending, participants can:
Website: http://www.sensoryparenting.com
Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Britt Collins, graduated from Colorado State University and since graduating has worked tirelessly on OT and Sensory Integration awareness, research and application. Britt has worked in a variety of settings including pediatric hospital inpatient, ICU, rehabilitation, outpatient clinics, homes, schools and skilled nursing facilities. With her award-winning OT DVD series and newly released books, Sensory Parenting: Newborns to Toddlers and Sensory Parenting: The Elementary Years, she’s among the cutting-edge leaders in the field. Her book is receiving enthusiastic reviews from Dr. Lucy Jane Miller and Lindsey Biel, M.A., OTR/L, and she presents nationwide alongside experts Temple Grandin, Paula Aquilla, Diane Bahr and Carol Kranowitz.
Britt’s professional specialties include: applying creative approaches to sensory processing disorders, incorporating innovative sensory treatments in the home, school and clinical setting, and providing practical solutions to managing different types of behavior. Britt is also has vast knowledge and experience working with children with special needs, their families, and their intervention teams in order to achieve optimal results for the child.
Currently, Britt is practicing in Denver, Colorado in the Cherry Creek School District as well as providing in home early intervention for children ages birth to three for Results Matter Therapy. For more information on Britt, please visit www.sensoryparenting.com.
Author: Growing an In-Sync Child, In-Sync Activity Cards
Website: http://kidsmovingco.com/
Joye Newman is a perceptual motor therapist. Perceptual motor therapy (PMT) helps children and adults develop and enhance basic movement and learning abilities. In 1979, Joye earned her master’s degree in education and human development from George Washington University, with a specialty in perceptual motor development. Joye integrated studies in behavioral optometry, occupational therapy, and psychology into her graduate work and developed her own unique method of PMT.
Joye was a founding member and the original education chair of Washington Independent Services for Educational Resources (WISER), a co-founder of the Jewish Primary Day School of Washington, D.C., and an early childhood special-needs consultant for the Board of Jewish Education. She lectures on school readiness, creative movement, and perceptual motor development in her consultations with area preschools to help them develop and refine their movement programs. Joye lives in Maryland and has three grown children.
Author: Sensational Kids and No Longer A SECRET
Email: susanne@spdfoundation.net
Phone Number: 303-865-7637
Website: http://spdfoundation.net/
As the founder and executive director of the pioneering Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation, Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR, is internationally known for her research into Sensory Processing Disorder and her efforts to promote understanding of the condition through education and advocacy. Few speakers combine as Dr. Miller does the unquestioned expertise that comes from a lifetime of research and the compassionate understanding that comes from clinical experience. She is a speaker who both does and teaches, a winning combination that routinely attracts huge audiences of parents and professionals.
Details about Dr. Miller and her work may be found on the About Us page at www.spdfoundation.net.
Author: Sensational Journeys and This is Gabriel
Author: Your Child’s Motor Development Story
Email: jill.mays@gmail.com
Phone Number: 203-431-8932
154 Mimosa Cir.
Ridgefield, CT 06877
Cell Phone: 203-470-3461
Learn to Write Without Ever Holding a Pencil: This workshop takes the educator through all the key foundations that must be in place before a child begins a rigorous writing program. Areas addressed include:
Classroom Management: Understanding the Powerful Influence of Sensory Motor Strategies to Influence Behavior and Attention: This workshop takes the educator step by step through concepts in sensory processing, motor ability and how they intertwine and support emotional and cognitive growth. Strategies in classroom management are laid out. Participants learn how to incorporate these concepts to maximize attention and focus in their students. These include:
Throw Away the Desks and Chairs: Why Children Need to Play and Work on the Floor: This workshop reviews motor development, the importance it plays in the cognitive, emotional and social development of the child and how to enhance motor growth in the classroom. The workshop spans pre-school through 3rd grade. Topics will include how core strength and motor coordination develop, the many components essential for success in fine and gross motor activities and how to facilitate growth in all the key motor areas. At the end of this workshop, educators and child-care professionals will be able to identify the following:
Main-streaming the Special Needs Child: Critical Concepts and Tools Every Teacher Should Know About: This workshop provides educators with an overview of sensory processing issues that affect children with ASD, ADD/ADHD and other challenges related to Sensory Processing Disorder. It helps the educator understand why students may isolate themselves from others, lash out with no apparent provocation and adopt unusual behaviors or struggle to follow simple classroom routines. The workshop will shed light on why some of these students fall apart at special events, like classroom parties and why a fire drill may send them into a total breakdown. By the end of the workshop, participants will understand how we “regulate” ourselves and support “self regulation” in these students. Strategies to tailor the individual needs of these students in the context of in a regular classroom setting are reviewed. Educators will have a toolbox filled with:
Visual Perception Deficits: A New Area of Challenge for the Classroom Teacher: Recently there has been an uptick in visual perception difficulties seen in early childhood settings and the classroom. This workshop explains what visual perception comprises, commonly seen areas of difficulty and how to remediate problems in this visual perception. At the end of this workshop Educators will:
Preparing Your Child for the Classroom through Play: This workshop helps parents understand how playing with their children will build the key foundations that must be in place to ensure a child’s success at school. Areas addressed include: core strength, hand strength and coordination, bilateral and eye hand coordination, tactile discrimination and visual perception. A toolbox of activities is included in this workshop that parents and children can do together.
Behavior Management: Understanding the Powerful Influence of Sensory Motor Strategies to Influence Behavior and Emotions: We’ve all seen the picture: out of control child having a temper tantrum in the grocery store…or the picky eater…or the child who needs the sock on just so. This workshop takes the parent step by step through concepts in sensory processing, motor ability and how they intertwine and support emotional behavioral and even cognitive growth. Strategies are provided to make life at home more manageable and even fun! Participants learn how to incorporate these concepts through play with no extra cost! These include:
Why Children Need to Play: Now more than Ever!
This workshop reviews sensory motor development, the importance it plays in the cognitive, emotional and social development of the child and how play is the best way to facilitate growth. The workshop spans infancy through 3rd grade. Topics will include how core strength and motor coordination develop, the many components essential for success in fine and gross motor activities and how to facilitate growth in all the key motor areas. Understanding how and why unstructured play is key in child development is discussed. At the end of this workshop, parents, educators and child-care professionals will be able to identify the following:
Author: Learning in Motion
Play Reflect Connect – Build it and they will CONNECT – Computer games for kids by kids – Using our book of 12 proven lesson plans, FACES – Fun Activities to Connect Engage and Socially Succeed, we propose a presentation/inservice that includes theory and research information on non verbal communication and beginning perspective taking skills. FACES works with socially young children, ages preschool to 8th grade, on the recognition and portrayal of facial expressions, developing joint attention and beginning to understand perspective taking.
Learning in Motion – Engaging children through meeting their movement and sensory needs while learning. How to teach the young learner and maintain attention and motivation.
Teaching the active young learner while addressing their cognitive, sensory, play and motor needs. Staying engaged and learning through active participation. Excellent curriculum based activities for preschool, kindergarten and primary grades. Special emphasis on inclusion of all types of children with disabilities of all levels and grading of activities to meet multiple abilities. Included are parent letter for each lesson, the all in important component of parent education and home reinforcement activities for the busy instructor. A fun and active learning experience for teachers, therapists and parents. Pat Angermeier, OTR/L
Author: Unlocking the Mysteries of Sensory Dysfunction
Email: eanders@binghamton.edu
Phone Number: 607-777-3890
Dr. Liz Anderson
Assistant Professor
Coordinator, Early Childhood Programs
School of Education
Binghamton University
Binghamton, NY 13902
Cell Phone: 607-765-4585
Speaker Topics
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